Donnerstag, 3. September 2009

Flight Details

Flight date: 08 September 2009
Departure airport: Frankfurt Arrival airport: London, Heathrow
Flight and airline: BA905 British Airways
Check-in time: 12:40
Departure time: 08-Sep-2009 at 14:40 Arrival time: 08-Sep-2009 at 15:25

Connecting Flight

Flight date:08 September 2009
Departure airport:London, HeathrowArrival airport:New York (kennedy), Ny
Flight and airline:BA183 British Airways
Departure time:08-Sep-2009 at 20:00Arrival time:08-Sep-2009 at 22:30

Wie ihr seht hab ich leider noch einen 4 stündigen Aufenthalt in London, aber mal abwarten wofür das gut ist=)

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